I dont quite know what this site is for yet, either way ejoy the trip! This'll probably become my personal blog where I post my art and talk about whatever is going on in my life and things i'm interested in. Ill probably end up rambling about my personal problems because why not, right? Ive got a lot shit happening in my life that I think is pretty interesting or dpressing or whatever, anyways its definitely gotten better lmao. Does anybody know what the meaning of life is, I dont think so. We're all just meat sacks put on this planet because our parents were young and stupid. Some of out parents were ready, others not. Thinking about life and the bigger picture (if there even is one) gives me some type of exhistenial dread, but I think everyone can find a something that powers them to keep going. For me thats my boyfriend, I love him & he makes me a better person, all I want in this life is to make him happy & make sure he knows hes wanted...